Soul records

From ECKopedia

Soul records The Soul records are a complete accounting of a Soul's incarnations in the lower worlds. They are found in various places on the Soul Plane.

Soul records of those who have attained the Fifth Initiation are kept in the Mearp region of the Soul Plane. The records of those with the Sixth Initiation are kept in the Anuga region. The records of those with the Seventh Initiation through the Twelfth Initiation are kept in the ECK-nida region. The records of those who have attained the Thirteenth Initiation (the Mahanta Maharai) or the Fourteenth Initiation (the Mahanta) are kept in the abode of the Sat Nam.

Only the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master has the training to read any of these records for others, although a few chelas do undergo the training to learn to read their own.

Anyone who undertakes the needed disciplines can make a personal study of the methods employed by the ECK Masters in order to see his own Soul records.

See also: