Past lives

From ECKopedia

past lives Past-life recall is a prominent feature of Eckankar. People are often startled to learn that they carry the past with them on their shirtsleeves.

Whenever we have strong loves or hates, it means we have drawn the past into the present by agreement.

The past is old emotions collected and gathered around us like keepsakes. They appear to us as family members, friends, and enemies. Our past thoughts and actions even shape our physical appearance, as well as our character and temperament.

The cause of everything that occurs in our life is chronicled on the Causal Plane, and we are a reflection of that journal.

All the lives you have ever lived were for the polishing of Soul. Regardless of your station or your circumstances, you are now at a higher spiritual level than in any previous lifetime.

The Causal Plane is were you find the seed of all karma created in the past and learn about the past lives that influence you today.

A Technique to Try

There are various ways to rediscover your past lives. This learning can take place in the dream state or via the Spiritual Exercises of ECK.

One technique is to chant the word Mana, the word for the Causal Plane, in contemplation. Ask for the Mahanta's help to see a past life that would be beneficial for you to be aware of at this time.

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