Fifth Initiation

From ECKopedia

Fifth Initiation At the Fifth Initiation the chela receives a new secret word and is established above the psychic worlds in the first of the pure, positive God Worlds, the Soul Plane. This is the state of Self-Realization.

Soul is no longer required to reincarnate into the lower worlds. He has become a Madhis, a High(er) Initiate.

His life is one of inner and outer service in the name of the Mahanta.

The mind comes under control of Soul, and the personality is illuminated by the Sound Current. This is sometimes referred to as the transfiguration.

The initiate is now eligible to enter advanced training under the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master toward his goal of God-Realization.

For a list of the ECK initiations, see Initiations in ECK.