
From ECKopedia

Soul Soul is the True Self - who and what we actually are; the individual manifestation of the ECK. Each Soul is an eternal, unique atom of God.

Soul exists because God loves It. We are of the essence of God, and therefore, no matter how imperfect our knowledge of God is, we are still holy.

Soul is immortal, and Its future is the future of a thing whose growth and splendor has no limits. The Sugmad (God) creates Souls so that, through their experiences, It can know Itself in a greater way. The Sugmad imparts to Soul the creative element of Itself, the God-spark of imagination.

Soul has free will, imagination, and the ability to postulate and create. Soul can see, know, and perceive all things.

Soul is the creative center of Its own world as It unfolds into the higher realms of God and becomes a Coworker with God. Wisdom, power, love, and freedom are states of Soul.

The divine power of ECK can only work, in the lower worlds, trough the individual. The function of the individual is to differentiate and distribute the creative power. Man's place in the cosmic order is that of a distributor of the divine power, subject to the inherent law of the power he distributes.

Soul is always in eternity. It is always in the present NOW. Soul is the medium between the outer world of the chela and the heavenly world within himself.

Other words for Soul are Atma and Tuza.

See also: