Seventh Initiation

From ECKopedia

Seventh Initiation This is the initiation of the Alaya Lok, the Seventh Plane, and is both and inner and outer ceremony.

The Seventh Initiate enters the path of pure love. He has become entirely the ECK in principle and spirit. He speaks and acts mainly in the name and service of the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, for that has become the Seventh Initiate's purpose in the world.

The initiate has learned that by self-surrender he does not resist life, but goes along with it in an active manner. He is like the willow bough which is weighed down by the winter snow and does not resist but bends spontaneously under the weight so the snow falls off.

The Seventh Initiate is the lover of life, called the Shab or sometimes Bhakti.

For a list of ECK initiations, see Initiations in ECK.