Harold Klemp

From ECKopedia

Harold Klemp Sri Harold Klemp is the present-day Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, the spiritual leader of Eckankar.

Sri Harold Klemp

He received the Rod of ECK Power in 1981 and is the latest in an ancient line of ECK Masters who have served throughout history in every culture of the world. His spiritual name is Wah Z, or Z, and he is also known as Harji. For ECK chelas, he serves as the Inner and Outer Master as he leads Soul by Its own path home to God.

A Pioneer

Known as a pioneer of today's focus on "everyday spirituality", Sri Harold's extensive talks and writings present the Spiritual Exercises of ECK as the essential route to higher states of awareness and freedom. He continues to expand, update, and clarify ECK doctrine and culture. Every book, talk, and article shines with this unchanging message: Soul exists because God loves It.

Much of his teaching is given in story form, as parables and in sharing the accounts of ordinary people having profound spiritual experiences in everyday life. Each story contains a seed of transformational truth and is a part of the living Shariyat.

With humor and compassion he offers practical tools, creative techniques, and loving guidance as aids to Soul's journey toward Self-Realization and God-Realization.


As Soul, each person has the God knowledge within him. The Master's main job is to awaken the knowledge and the love for the divine things that are already in one's heart.

Sri Harold's overall mission is to establish Consciousness Nine. He had laid the foundation for this, and the result can be seen in the social, political, and climate changes of today. Each level is a turn higher on the spiral of consciousness as the waves of Souls in ECK catch the returning tide home to the center of God's love and mercy.

As we move into this golden age of spirituality, a creative fountain has been opened, and many more people will be able to manifest what which is of the higher worlds.

Sri Harold's mission was destined to be highly innovative, breaking into new fields of spiritual endeavor. A bridge between the public and secret teachings, this era has marked enormous change. It is the longest in terms of actual spiritual advances and is the keystone to the Golden Age of ECK.

Key Advances

A key facet has been the building of the Temple of ECK in Chanhassen, Minnesota, and establishing the it as Eckankar's Seat of Power. The Golden Wisdom Temple is situated on the Eckankar Spiritual Campus, which also houses the Eckankar Spiritual Center.

Early on he also saw the need to align the administrative hierarchy with essential spiritual principles and so formed a network of Regional ECK Spiritual Aides around the world. This has included decades of innovations for the spiritual education and training of chelas, ECK leaders, High Initiates, and ECK clerics.


Sri Harold's memoir, Autobiography of a Modern Prophet, details the story of his personal journey into the heart of God. In this groundbreaking account, he pulls back the curtain on spiritual realities known only to ECK Masters and seasoned travelers of the God Worlds.

It tells of the extensive inner and outer training he underwent to accept his role as the spiritual leader. Lifetimes of training had already been invested in his spiritual education. This lifetime was the final polishing.

Sri Harold's purpose in telling this story is to inspire any serious student to their own spiritual Mastership.

Life Overview

He has born in Wisconsin and grew up on a small farm. He attended a two-room country schoolhouse before going to high school at a religious boarding school in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Leaving behind his preministerial studies, he joined the US Air Force, where he trained as a language specialist, then as a radio intercept operator.

It was during a two-year stint in Japan, in the late 1960s, that he first learned of the teachings of Eckankar. He answered an ad in Fate magazine which had been placed by Paul Twitchell. It was a momentous occasion, and yet by then Harold had already spent lifetimes preparing for his role as spiritual leader of Eckankar.

On October 22, 1981, he became the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master.

As head of the Ancient Order of the Vairagi, Sri Harold Klemp continues to serve as the SUGMAD's representative on earth, making it possible for willing Souls to make their way home to the Ocean of Love and Mercy.

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