Spiritual Exercises of ECK

From ECKopedia

Spiritual Exercises of ECK The spiritual exercises are the essential method of gaining spiritual unfoldment and enlightenment on the path of Eckankar. This is one of the Four Fundamentals of ECK.

A spiritual exercise is the daily practice of aligning with the Sound Current for direct, personal spiritual experience. The chela practices creative techniques, using contemplation and the singing of sacred words, to bring the higher awareness of Soul into daily life.

These spiritual exercises keep the heart center, the Spiritual Eye, and the crown chakra open and facilitate Soul Travel. They are a sacred form of Satsang.

Spiritual Transformation

When you start to do the Spiritual Exercise of ECK, the Light and Sound of the Holy Spirit begin to enter you through an invisible communication line, and changes come about in your personality.

You become a more independent, thoughtful, and self-motivated individual because you are taking the first step toward self-mastery.

You will find that your connection with the Inner Master and the ECK grows stronger with the practice of these exercises. Day by day, you will realize more clearly the love of the Mahanta for each Soul in the worlds of God.

In time you will understand that you no longer walk alone, for the Inner Master serves as your constant guide and companion.

Try New Things

The spiritual exercises should be approached with a sense of excitement and anticipation. Experiment with them. Try new things. You're in your own God Worlds.

It's like a vein of gold running through a mountain. You're on it for a while, then the vein runs out and you have to scout around and find another one.

If you practice the spiritual exercises on a regular basis, like a meal, you'll get the inner nourishment you seek. Try setting a specific time and place for this daily appointment with the Holy Spirit.

See Three Key Spiritual Exercises of ECK. Many more Spiritual Exercise of ECK can be found in the Eckankar Spiritual Living Courses and ECK books.

See also: