Four disciplines of ECK

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four disciplines of ECK The spiritual disciplines the chela practices that give harmony, purity, and perfection of Soul. These disciplines are as listed below.

(See also five virtues.)

  1. Cleanliness of Mind Let no words which would pollute the air enter into your mind. Look upon everyone as creatures of God, for they, like yourself, are temples who shall eventually become Coworkers with God.
    Fast continuously from all Kal (negative) thoughts which would infect your mental state and consciousness.
    Through this you learn the powerful awareness of the presence of the Living ECK Master, who is with you constantly.
  2. Patience This is the greatest discipline of all the spiritual works of ECK. By patience you can endure life, hardships, karmic burdens, slander, and the pricks of pain and disease.
    Keep your mind steadfastly upon the Light of God, never swerving, never letting up on your attention to the goal of God-Realization.
  3. Humility and Chastity As you come to know these attributes in your life, you learn all your responsibility belongs to God, not to anyone nor anything within this physical realm.
    Your loved ones, family, and relatives are images of God, mirrored in this worldly life and embodiment to serve the Sugmad, the Supreme Deity.
    Realize that humility is opposite to the ego. Do not let a false concept of your worth to the Master and to the Sugmad stand in your way to reach the heavenly states. Know that vanity is only a trap of the negative power, the Kal Niranjan, and you will become a fool if you let yourself be enslaved by the Kal.
  4. Discrimination Learn to discriminate between all things, recognizing that there is no good nor evil, no beauty nor ugliness, and there is no sin. These are all concepts of the mind, the dual forces in the matter worlds.
    Once you recognize and understand this, you will then be free of Kal traps. you will be ready to enter into the Kingdom of God, the Ocean of Love and Mercy.
    You will be the ECK, of Itself.

See also purify or pollute.