
From ECKopedia

Shamus-i-Tabriz (SHAH-muhs-ee-tah-BREEZ), also Shams-i-Tabrizi (SHAMS-ee-tah-BREEZ-ee)

Shamus i Tabriz

An ECK Master who once served as the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. He is now the guardian of the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad at the Temple of Sakapori on the Causal Plane.


Shamus was born in AD 1184 and, in the next century, was a Sufi master who taught his followers Soul Travel. A prize student of Shamus was Jalal ad-Din ar-Rumi, the famed Persian poet and sage who was also a follower of ECK.

The scent of jasmine is frequently associated with Shamus. He is a broad, heavyset man of medium height and appears to be about forty. His brown beard is short and full.

When he is not wearing a turban, one notices his long, thick, dark-brown, wavy hair, which looks almost black. His flashing eyes are also a dark brown. Sometimes he appears to seekers in a floppy, wide-brimmed hat and a maroon robe draped casually over his left shoulder. His deep, resonant voice is like honey.

For a list of ECK Masters, visit the Names of ECK Masters page.