Causal Plane

From ECKopedia

Causal Plane The Third Plane, counting upward, where memories and karmic patterns are stored - the past (including past lives) in visible records, and the future in seed form.

Distinctions of the Causal Plane

Mana (pronounced mah-NAH or mah-NAY) is a word, or chant, that one can sing in contemplation to attune oneself to the vibrations of the Causal Plane or Soul Travel to a Golden Wisdom Temple or other planes there.

An inner experience on this plane may include seeing an orange light or hearing the sound of tinkling bells.

The main Golden Wisdom Temple on this plane, in the city of Honu, is the Temple of Sakapori; here Shamus-i-Tabriz, an ECK Master, serves as guardian of the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad. Other ECK Masters working on this plane are Ismet Houdoni, Sardar Lhunpo, and Vajra Manjushri.

The Causal Plane is sometimes called the Brahmanda Lok; its ruler is Ramkar.

See also The God Worlds Chart.