Passing of the Rod of ECK Power

From ECKopedia

passing of the Rod of ECK Power The age-old initiation, given by the Sugmad alone, which transfers spiritual authority from the departing Living ECK Master to the new one. The outgoing Mahanta, the Living ECK Master names his successor - a Twelfth Initiate or higher - and the Rod of ECK Power is passed to him.

October 22

This rite, overseen by Yaubl Sacabi, traditionally occurs at midnight leading up to October 22, at the Oracle of Tirmer, in the Valley of Shangta, near the Katsupari Monastery.

Nearby gather ECK Initiates of every level who have a special need to be there.

Prior to the ceremony, the spiritual hierarchy, reflecting the will of the Sugmad, has made the decision as to who is the most qualified in the Order of the Vairagi to become the next Living ECK Master. All the ECK Masters have had a close interest in the candidate's spiritual education, though the current Living ECK Master handles the final phase of training.

The new Living ECK Master, upon acceptance of his mission, is given recognition in the Order of the Vairagi as the key vehicle for the primordial Mahanta, the sublime ECK in expression at the highest level. His instructions now come directly from the Source of Life Itself. Henceforth the will of the Sugmad determines his actions on a grand scale.

The passing of the Rod of ECK Power is the marriage of the macrocosm and microcosm in him.

Role of the Torchbearer

Should the outgoing Living ECK Master depart the physical field of action prior to the passing of the Rod of ECK Power, his named successor takes on all the physical duties of spiritual leadership in Eckankar.

The Torchbearer of Eckankar, Rebazar Tarzs, carries the spiritual power until October 22 when the Rod of ECK Power is passed.

Modern Era

The passing of the Rod of ECK Power has been repeated since before recorded history, ensuring that the world is never without a Living ECK Master.

In the modern era, the rite took place in 1965, 1971, and 1981. The most recent occurrence was in October 1981, when Sri Harold Klemp, a Fourteenth Initiate, accepted the Rod of ECK Power.

The change in spiritual leadership is always a step forward for the consciousness of the worlds.

See also: