Soul Travel

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Soul Travel Soul Travel is getting in touch with your higher nature, which is Soul. As Soul, you have the ability to transcend the physical body and travel into the spiritual worlds of God.

This is essentially the expansion of consciousness. It can take place in the dream state or via the Spiritual Exercises of ECK, or even in the natural course of your daily life.

Soul Travel, which is taught only by the Living ECK Master, makes you aware of God's plans. Via Soul Travel you can prove to yourself the existence of God and life after death, and you can discover the purpose of your life.

The Experience of Soul Travel

Soul Travel is both an art and a science. In its purest form, Soul Travel is simply soul leaving behind Its awareness of the human consciousness and moving into a higher one closer to God.

Sometimes it is a subtle shifting of consciousness from everyday problems to a commanding overview of how those same problems fit into the divine plan of Soul's evolution to a higher state of purity. Soul travel ranges far and wide

Some people experience Soul Travel as a shift of consciousness. All of a sudden, something happens in their lives where they become aware that they understand something they haven't before. It comes in like a soft, golden kiss of God. Then they just know.

Soul Travel can be a dramatic experience where people are lifted out of the body and have conscious experience in the other worlds.

It depends on what you, as Soul, are ready for and what's necessary for your spiritual unfoldment.

The Purpose of Soul Travel

Soul Travel deals with the expansion of spiritual awareness. People have to, at some time, become aware of who and what they are. This knowledge can come through dreams or revelations of past lives and possibilities for the future.

Soul Travel transcends the limits of astral or mind travel and rote prayer, elevating one into profound spiritual realms. Whenever Soul reaches the far orbits of the inner planes through Soul Travel, the human heart opens to God's all-consuming love.

This is what life is all about.

See also Seeing, Knowing, and Being.