Four states of the High Initiate

From ECKopedia

four states of the High Initiate Having reached the Fifth Initiation, it is the duty of the Higher Initiate to improve, to spiritualize himself by contemplation.

He is supposed to pass through the following states:

First is Salokiam, which signifies the only tie with the lower worlds. In this state, Soul seeks to lift Itself, with the assistance of the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, to the true spiritual worlds and to take Its place in the presence of Divinity Itself; It holds communication with those Souls who have gone before into the regions of eternity and makes use of the body left on earth as an instrument to transcribe, under the permanent form of writing, the sublime teachings It receives in these worlds of true spirituality.

Second is Samipiam, which signifies proximity. By the exercises of contemplation and the disregard of all earthly objects, the knowledge and idea of the Sugmad becomes familiar to It. It becomes farseeing and begins to witness marvels which are not of this world.

Third is Souaroupiam, which signifies resemblance. In this state Soul gradually acquires a perfect resemblance to the ECK and participation in all Its attributes. It reads the future and the universe has no secrets for It.

Fourth is Sayodiyam, identity. Soul finally becomes closely united to the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. This last transformation takes place only through the death of the physical body, that is to say, the entire disruption of all material ties by translation.