Spiritual hierarchy

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spiritual hierarchy The Sugmad formed the spiritual hierarchy to administrate the creation and maintenance of all the universes.

The hierarchy began with the Sugmad, followed by the ECK and the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, then the Adepts of the Order of the Vairagi, the Lords of each plane within the spiritual worlds, and the guardians of the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad.

Over the lower worlds Sugmad placed the Kal Niranjan, Lord of the negative worlds. Then came the Lords of Karma, the angels, planetary spirits, and elementals. Then came man and all creatures subordinate to him: mammals, reptiles, fish, plants, and stones.

Every chela who accepts a role of service in Eckankar is a member of the spiritual hierarchy. As a chela of the Mahanta, you are working within the spiritual hierarchy every moment of your day.

See also Vairagi(s), Ancient Order of the.