Seven Laws of the Physical Universe

From ECKopedia

Seven Laws of the Physical Universe

There are fundamentals that govern this physical universe through Spirit. There were once taught by an ancient sage named Mksha, who appeared on earth some thirty-five-thousand years ago to teach the people of the Indus valley.

Law of HU

Spirit is the all-penetrating power, the forming power of the universes. The Voice of HU has one great quality, and that is to create effect.

Law of Soul

Soul is the manifested individual beingness of the ECK Spirit (Holy Spirit). It has free will, opinions, intelligence, imagination, and immortality.

Law of Polarity

The Law of Opposites. Within all the lower worlds, nothing exists except in relation to its opposite. Each state, quality, or condition within this universe is supported, animated, and maintained by its opposite. However, within the worlds of true Spirit, there are no opposites. Light is Light, without shadow or darkness, and there is no opposite to the Sound of ECK.

Law of Vibrations

Governs all the influences upon Soul and the body in this world, such as wavelengths, outflows from the planets, stars, and heavenly bodies; music; sound; color; and general harmonics. Under this principle falls karma, cause and effect, and inflow and outflow. Every thought, word, and deed either purifies or pollutes the body.

Law of Attitudes

The power of imagination rules over will in the actions in this universe.

Law of Facsimiles

All effects in life are brought about by the thoughts and pictures in the mind of the individual.

Law of Unity

The ECK is the unity in the midst of diversity and multiplicity. Thinking in the whole instead of the parts. It is a way of knowing the solution to a problem the instant it presents itself. This law simply means one must be wholly within the ECK (Holy Spirit) in order to enjoy himself as the whole man.