Etheric Plane

From ECKopedia

Etheric Plane The top of the Mental Plane, which is the Fourth Plane (counting upward) of the lower worlds.

The Etheric Plane is the plane of the subconscious; the source of primitive thought; the very thin sheath between the Mental body and the Atma Sarup, the Soul body.

Distinction of the Etheric Plane

Baju is a word, or chant, that one can sing in contemplation to attune oneself to the vibrations of the Etheric Plane or Soul Travel to the Golden Wisdom Temple or other places there.

An inner experience on this plane may include seeing violet light or hearing a sound like the buzzing of bees.

Within the capital city of Arhirit is the Dayaka Temple, a Golden Wisdom Temple where Lai Tsi, an ECK Master, serves as guardian of the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad. Another ECK Master, Jagat Ho, also works there under Lai Tsi. Also on this plane is the city of Uri.

The Etheric Plane is also known as the Saguna Lok; its ruler is Lord Sohang.

See also The God Worlds Chart.