Dream censor

From ECKopedia

dream censor A part of the subconscious mind that functions to keep Soul in the lower worlds.

Its purpose is to maintain balance in your present state of consciousness by blocking out or scrambling dreams that it feels are not good for you to remember.

There is also a higher part of the Etheric (subconscious) mind - the translator function. This is the level at which the Dream Master works. The Dream Master gives you an experience in another world because there is a lesson for you to learn. Speech and objects in the other worlds are converted to something that makes sense to the human consciousness.

There is a constant battle going on between the spiritual and the negative powers. So if there is a high spiritual truth coming through to you, the sensor generally tried to scramble it and let it come through as a nightmare. The Dream Master must then try to undo the damage of this nightmare so you can receive and benefit from the spiritual message.

In summary, the lower part of the Etheric mind is the sensor, and the higher part is the translator, or unscrambler. It unscrambles the incomprehensible and makes it something that your physical consciousness can accept.