
From ECKopedia

discrimination Discrimination, also known as viveka, is one of the four disciplines of ECK. It is also one of the five virtues, the remedy for lust.

There are four degrees of discrimination

  1. viveka - The first step in Eckankar - being able to distinguish between what will be good for spiritual unfoldment and what will be wasting time.
  2. The Buddhi state, not attained until Soul has Self-Realization.
  3. Baibek - attained when Soul has unfolded beyond Self-Realization, is freed of all coverings, and is able to operate by direct perception.
  4. Pratyahara - attained only when Soul passes into the spiritual worlds, beyond all mind and matter. It is the condition in which Soul is able to divert the attention away from all senses and objects of the senses, toward divine knowledge. The practice of complete withdrawal of consciousness from the environment.