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contemplation An essential spiritual exercise in Eckankar where the attention is focused upon some definite spiritual principle, thought or idea, or upon the Living ECK Master.

This is a conversation with the most secret, most genuine, and most mysterious part of oneself - a way to actively explore the inner worlds of ones' own being.

Contemplation is the process by which the knower and the known become one. Also known as true contemplation of the ECK works, one of the Four Fundamentals of ECK.

This is a reciprocal relationship. As Soul invests Itself in deeper realization of Truth, Truth invests Itself in Soul.

The scope and form contemplation can take is infinite. The most direct is to sit for a session with the Spiritual Exercises of ECK for twenty minutes a day. As well, immersing oneself in any Soulful study or effort can result in communication with the God Current, the ECK.

Contemplation is a sacred act of purification and upliftment, guided by the Mahanta, the Inner Master. He is the desire for Truth that dwells in the contemplator's heart, and the devotion to Soul knows no equal.

See also: