Rebazar Tarzs

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Rebazar Tarzs (REE-bah-zahr TAHRZ)

Rebazar Tarzs

Rebazar Tarzs, a Tibetan, was the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master when Tibet was the spiritual center of the world. The teachings were then conveyed only in secret.

Having immortalized his body, he is said to be over five hundred years old. Today he lives in a hut in the Hindu Kush Mountains. He has been the spiritual teacher of many other ECK Masters.


Rebazar is about six feet in height and wears a full beard that is as thick as black wool and neatly trimmed. He has large, square hands, testimony to the rugged outdoor life he enjoys. He is often attired in a maroon robe, tied at the waist..

His eyes are like two dark pools in a bottomless sea - they seem to see all, know all. They are eyes of compassion and mercy, all-seeing eyes that serve both as a mirror of Soul and a microscope to the universe.

To look into them is to become lost in the Light and Sound of God, the ECK. The liquid of God pours from them like a sweet nectar to fill the emptiness of the heart.


The staff he carries symbolizes the Rod of ECK Power. As Torchbearer of Eckankar, he has the special duty of stepping in to carry the spiritual power should the Living ECK Master leave the physical field of action before the Rod of ECK Power is passed to his successor.

This happened upon Sudar Singh's translation (probably in the 1940s and 1950s), after which Rebazar Tarzs stood in until 1965, when he passed the Rod of ECK Power to Peddar Zaskq (Paul Twitchell).

Many seekers and chelas benefit from Rebazar's wisdom, compassion, and companionship as he helps the present Living ECK Master in the works of Eckankar. Rebazar has given his whole life to helping others find the perfection of God.

See Names of ECK Masters.