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Sugmad (SOOG-mahd) The supreme God. The formless, all-embracing, impersonal, infinite, the Ocean of Love and Mercy.

From it flows all life, all Truth, all reality; all wisdom, love, and power. It is beyond any conception of the human mind.

It is neither male nor female, old nor new, great nor small, shaped nor shapeless. Having no opposite, It is what opposites have in common.

It takes many forms in order that Its purposes may be carried out in all creations, but none of them express Its totality; what there is and all there is, so that no name can really be given It except the poetic name of God.

It has an inside called Nirguna, which is to say It has no qualities and nothing can be said or thought about It, and an outside called Saguna, which is to say that It may be considered as eternal reality, consciousness, and joy.

Each created form of life, by its own nature, longs for the perfection of the Sugmad.

Before becoming the Mahanta, The Living ECK Master, Sri Harold Klemp had a profound experience in a high, golden world of the Sugmad. This fragment of a poem came through as a blessing:

   The Sugmad

   Heart of my heart,

   Soul of my Soul,

   This is the Golden Moment.

   O Ancient of Days,

   How can I but love Thee?

See also: