Twelve-Year Cycles of the Master's Spiritual Mission

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Twelve-Year Cycles of the Master's Spiritual Mission

This list shows the twelve-year cycles of Eckankar since Sri Harold Klemp became the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master in 1981. Future cycles are also listed. The cycles begin on October 22.

Era of Stabilization (1981-93)

In the first cycle, the ECK movement - and all the people in it - needed to learn what was right behavior and what was not. There is a responsibility to living here.

Lessons learned in the first cycle included a code of ethical behavior; a better understanding of karma as a nonretributive part of spiritual law, divine love as the most powerful force in creation, and others.

Age of the ECK Missionary (1993-2005)

The lessons of the second cycle became more evident - namely, how to bridge the gap between the ECK teachings and the spiritual needs of the people in today's society.

A Time for Reaching Out (2005-17)

The creative spirit in chelas awakened to many previously undreamed-of ways to reach people ready for the wonderful teachings of ECK (the Holy Spirit). It included the aim of finding seekers but also involved looking more into how to be of service where there are pressing spiritual needs.

First of the Golden Years (2017-29)

We continue our search for Souls weary of illusions and help them return to God. Will you support this mission? If so, rededicate your heart and hands to the Spirit divine.

Second of the Golden Years (2029-41)

Third of the Golden Years (2041-53)

Fourth of the Golden Years (2053-65)

Fifth of the Golden Years (2065-77)

Sixth of the Golden Years (2077-89)

Seventh of the Golden Years (2089-2101)

Eighth of the Golden Years (2101-13)

Ninth of the Golden Years (2113-25)

Tenth of the Golden Years (2125-37)

Eleventh of the Golden Years (2137-49)

Twelfth of the Golden Years (2149-61)