
From ECKopedia

Milarepa (mi-lah-REH-pah) An ECK Master, one of the highest in the ancient brotherhood. He has the ability to uplift the chela directly through the heart center.


Milarepa wears a knee-length maroon robe and carries a short walking stick. His face is round, and his eyes are dark twinkling buttons. He is completely bald and looks like a sweet, mild-tempered Buddha.

The aura around him is permeated with the fragrant aroma of roses and the brightest light. There is the sound of a conch shell being blown in the distance when you view him. His appearance is one of the greatest blessings that we can have.

Biographical Sketch

Like all ECK Masters, Milarepa had a life of undue hardship. Through it all he kept his sense of humor. He is pleasant, buoyant, and good-natured.

Milarepa was an eleventh-century Tibetan saint and poet whose life story is widely known.

The wealthy family Milarepa was born into was reduced to poverty when his father died and the family fortune was stolen. Seeking revenge, his mother sent him to a magician for training in the black arts, which Milarepa used to destroy his enemies. In doing so, he accumulated a great karmic debt.

In time, the ECK led him to Marpa, an ECK Master who put him through severe trials.

Marpa instructed Milarepa to hand-build a house of stone. Upon its completion, Marpa found fault with the building and ordered Milarepa to tear it down and rebuild it. This occurred repeatedly.

Though bruised and battered in body, mind, and spirit, Milarepa's devotion never wavered. Marpa noted his love for the secret teachings.

Eventually, Milarepa was able to work off all his karma in that lifetime and set out on the road that would lead him to ECK Mastership. To accomplish this, he contemplated in secluded caves for years.

Among the supernatural skills he developed was levitation: periodically he found it convenient to fly from one point to another in the rugged Tibetan countryside. He also learned to travel in his dreams and to free himself from his physical body through Soul Travel, allowing him to move among the worlds and planes of creation.

For a list of ECK Masters, see Names of ECK Masters.