
From ECKopedia

Lemuria (leh-MOOR-ee-ah) Lemuria, the lost continent also know as Mu, existed some fifty thousand years ago and developed over the course of many centuries. It was located in the midst of the Pacific Ocean and stretched into what is now China. Lemuria formed colonies around the globe.

It was a remarkable land said to belong to the golden age of mankind's history.The Records of the Kros tell us that Lemuria was where the legendary paradise of man, thought of as the Garden of Eden, was located. Lemuria became the greatest civilization known to the world and was called the Empire of the Sun.

A tropical country of vast plains, low rolling hills, and a soft, pleasant climate, Lemuria seemed invincible to change. There were no mountains. The valleys and plains were covered with rich grazing grass and tilled fields.

On the continent of Mu were seven major cities, centers of religion, science, and education. There were also many other large cities for trading and industry. Mu came to be known as the center of the world, where all came for learning and commerce.

The ECK Masters Dayaka and Geutan served their missions in Lemuria.

The People of Lemuria

The lost continent of Mu, or Lemuria, was home to the third root race, the Lemurians.

The people of Mu were highly civilized and enlightened. They were gentle and peaceful and lived together without savagery. They practiced the Law of the One, which simply said to help your neighbor help himself, for he is of the same essence as you.

The citizens of this great empire were under the protection of Mu, the motherland of the earth. The Lemurians' reverence for their deity was so great they never spoke Its name; even in prayer It was addressed always through a symbol. Ra, the sun, was used as a collective symbol for all the deity possessed.

The Lemuria also believed in the immortality of Soul, which eventually returned to the source from whence It came.

The ruling race was fairly tall and slender, with brown or olive skin, dark eyes, and straight black hair. There were also other races - the yellow, brown, and black people. Ten tribes made up the bulk of citizens, all under a ruler named Ra Mu, who was a representative of the Supreme deity but was not worshipped.


Besides being examples of moral behavior, the Lemurians were also a technologically advanced people. They sailed the seas and discovered new lands, establishing colonies around the globe. They built great temples, stone palaces, and gigantic carved monuments.

They practiced a system of agriculture which could feed thousands upon thousands, and they protected the terraced fields from cyclones by setting up stations (some three hundred miles apart) with many crystals in them.

They could also prevent earthquakes, and they constructed buildings by precisely cuttings massive blocks of stone and transporting them through the air before dropping them into place.

The Destruction of Lemuria

When it was time for its long life to end, seismic upheavals made it clear that Lemuria's days were numbered. Missionaries went to colonies around the world, including Atlantis. There they hid their writings to ensure that Lemuria's history would live on in the annals of mankind.

The destruction of Lemuria and its colonial empire came about due to gas pockets under the crust of the earth that had formed hundreds of thousands of years before. Earthquakes and tidal waves caused most of the continent to go down under the seas.

After the fall of Lemuria, one of its surviving provinces developed into Atlantis. Another province would much later become the location of the Uighur Empire. Some Pacific islands of today are remnants of ancient Lemuria.