
From ECKopedia

Hittites (HIT-tiets) A people who existed during the Dwapara Yuga, or the Copper Age (see yuga(s)). They used copper for making weapons and were among the first to make the sword. They were also among the first known conquerors in the history of mankind.

Most of us had past lives as Hittites. Our gods controlled the weather, fertility, health, and the raising of crops.

Myths still linger from the ancient religions of the Atlanteans and the Hittites. Priests then had already created a Divine Being both vengeful and good. Wrenching people's emotions back and forth between fear and love, they beat down the faith and spirit of man. Broken in will, man meekly accepted outer authority and the chains of spiritual bondage.

In contrast, ECK Masters encourage initiates to acquire and live by the highest attributes of total spiritual freedom, total awareness, and self-responsibility.