Nine unknown Gods of Eternity

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nine unknown Gods of Eternity The nine unknown Gods of Eternity are the keepers of the Divine Flame of wisdom. They watch over and guard the golden scripts of the SUGMAD.

The nine unknown Gods gather the sacred knowledge that derives from the unfoldment of spiritual consciousness on every plane throughout all creation.

These Gods let only a few into their temples to learn the deeper knowledge of what the secret truths might hold for them.

The nine unknown Gods are different from the ECK Masters who act as the teachers, instructors, and watch-guards for the portions of the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad kept upon each plane. The nine unknown Gods transform the the living truth of SUGMAD into knowledge. ECK Masters teach the divine knowledge of this truth, which is simply the manifestation of the SUGMAD's love, to seekers who are ready for it.

When this knowledge comes to an open heart, the result is love, wisdom, and spiritual freedom.

See also: