Four Cycles of Life

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Four Cycles of Life There are four cycles of manifestation, based on four ages of cosmic history: the golden age, silver age, copper (or bronze) age, and iron age. See descriptions below.

This sequence of cycles repeats and subdivides infinitely, right down to each minute of your life.

If you are aware of these cycles operating in every part of your life, you can uplift yourself spiritually to at least soften the effect of change.

With the power of ECK you can re-create or instill a new golden age almost at will. Sometimes the divine law may simply allow a cycle to run its course, but the silver, copper, and iron ages can pass very quickly to bring you to a new golden age.

The Four Ages

Golden Age First of the four cycles of manifestation. A period of harmony, truth, peace, beauty, and goodness, bringing love and a simplicity of heart.

The Satya (or Krita) Yuga is the golden age of cosmic history - first of the four yugas that comprise a mahayuga.

Silver Age The second cycle of manifestation. A period when everything starts to go amiss and every pleasure has some anxiety attached; less righteous than the preceding golden age.

The Tretya Yuga is the silver age of cosmic history - second of the four yugas that comprise a mahayuga.

Copper (or Bronze) Age The third cycle of manifestation. A period when forces of light and darkness, good and evil, pleasure and pain are equally balanced.

The Dwapara Yuga is the copper age of cosmic history - third of the four yugas that comprise a mahayuga.

Iron Age The fourth cycle of manifestation. In this period of darkness and unhappiness, illusion reigns. Characterized by strife, discord, quarreling, and contention, it marks the lowest ebb in individual and social degeneration.

The Kali yuga is the iron age of cosmic history - last of the four yugas that comprise a mahayuga. It is the age we are in today, and it lasts 432,000 years. The Kali Yuga, or Iron Age, is key, as it gives Soul the opportunity to be tempered to Its final purity so that It can become a Coworker with God. In that sense, the Kali Yuga is the age of high spirituality, the true golden age.

A Day and a Night of the Sugmad

At the end of each mahayuga, the lower worlds are destroyed, and Souls are drawn up fro there to the Soul Plane to sleep throughout a period sometimes called a Night of the Sugmad, which lasts as long as a mahayuga (4,320,000 years). They will find themselves in a state of original unity and bliss, in a life of total peace, while the formation of a new universe occurs in the bosom of the Sugmad.

Then the grand cycle starts again: there follows a new Day of the Sugmad - a new creation and a new mahayuga, beginning with its golden age - and the Souls in need of experience are returned to the new worlds of matter for a fresh start.