Spiritual healing

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spiritual healing The only true healing in all the worlds of God is spiritual healing.

To heal your body is a noble undertaking, for it is an active expression in your life of the ECK, the Living Word. The ECK Masters recognize that healthy bodies aid the concentration necessary to reach God-Realization.

Divine Spirit often heals through the field of medicine and guides you to the doctor who is right for your condition. Yet the ways of healing by Divine Spirit are truly endless.

Healings may be physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

All the help that comes to us is from the Holy Spirit, whether it comes in a dream or through the help of a friend or a doctor. The trick is the discrimination you need: to tell what's good for you and what's not good for you.

This comes by listening to your heart.

Tips for Spiritual Healing

Health is harmony. To maintain harmony, one must guard the three entrances - the mouth, the ears, and the eyes. Be aware of what enters the mouth and what comes out of it. Watch closely what your ears hear and how you process this information. Observe carefully what your eyes see and how that affects your emotions.

Health is self-discipline. The ECK Masters who been granted longevity work at it all the time. They work to maintain harmony in their being.

The way to stay in harmony with the ECK is to continually practice the Spiritual Exercises of ECK, in one way or another, so that in the end, you become the HU Itself.

See also: