Sudar Singh

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Sudar Singh (SOO-dahr SING) The Living ECK Master who lived in Allahabad, India, and taught Peddar Zaskq (Paul Twitchell).

Life of Sudar Singh

Sudar Singh was born into a well-to-do family in the middle part of the nineteenth century. In his youth, he turned his back on his inheritance, dressed in rags, and set off in search of truth. A sadhu told him to make his way to Agra and find Rebazar Tarzs.

Sudar Singh visited one of Rebazar's students, who was also a government official, and questioned the student for several days. Meanwhile, the ECK Master was there the whole time, disguised as a servant and observing the seeker closely. However, Sudar Singh concluded that there was nothing in the teachings of Eckankar for him. Very sadly, he left.

A year later, around 1885, after exploring other religions, he had nearly lost hope. Wandering in the foothills of the Himalayas, he wondered if there was anything left to live for.

One day, hungry and tired, he fell into a light sleep, then awoke suddenly. There stood Rebazar Tarzs, offering a pitcher of milk for nourishment. This time Sudar Singh recognized the Master, and from that point on he began earnestly to make his own steps on the path to God.

Sudar Singh was an elusive ECK Master, and little is known of his life. He has an ashram in Allahabad in the 1930s. He is also known to have spread the message of ECK in Europe and other places. One of his students says the Master later left India and fled to Canada because of a political uprising.

Sudar lived past his nineties and probably died around 1955. Rebazar Tarzs then took over the leadership of Eckankar until 1965, when Paul Twitchell became the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master.

For a list of ECK Masters, visit the Names of ECK Masters page.